Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Man is the highest of all creations, woman is the most sublime of all ideals. God made man a throne, for woman, an altar; the throne exalts, the altar sanctifies. Man is the cerebrum, woman is the gospel; the code corrects, the gospel perfects. Man is genius, woman is an angel; genius is undefinable, angel is unmeasurable.Man is strong in reasons, woman is invincible in her tears; reason convinces the most stubborn, tears soften the hardest of mortals. Man is the temple, woman is the sanctuary; before a temple we revere, before a sanctuary we kneel.Man is the eagle that soars, woman is the nightingale that sings; to fly is to dominate the space, to sing is to conquer the soul. Man is capable in all heroism, woman of martyrdom; be heroism enables, martyrdom sanctifies.Man is the ocean, woman is the lake; the ocean has its pearl to adorn, the lake has its poem that dazzles. Man has a lighthouse, woman has a star, hope; the lighthouse guides, the hope saves.

Friday, March 6, 2009

"Life's Richest Treasure"

that are life's richest treasure it's just
the little "heart gifts" that money can't
measure. . . . .

A cheerful smile, a friendly word, a
sympathetic nod are priceless little
treasures from the storehouse of our
God. . . . . they are the things that can't
be bought by silver or gold

For thoughtfulness, kindness and love
are never sold. . . . .they are the priceless
things in life for which no one can pay
And the giver find rich recompense in
giving them away. . .


Time passes by,
tide rushed to the shore
Rooks burned to a dust,
roses may bloom
A baby was born,
an old man will die
Traces and memories
let it go or let it stay,
Everything will never be the same
but. . .I will never CHANGE!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Unknown Effect of Technology

Technology is the the answer to all problem around. But is i really the solution to all the problems around us? As a child you, won't think that we would be able to say things against our fun, the bet for u.... As you read through I'm not sure you would be enlightened but some things for sure would not change. My friend and I were talking about different issues, like what's happening with our economics, the war in the middle east, and other "mature things", then we touched on the effects of technology. The television i one invention that made our live interesting...what's the effects of the talking box? There, we got this new fad, fashion....and even the language....the violence that we somehow think as something cool. Then, we have the computers where we discover the counter strike, DOTA, war games and others. We must admit it....It's addicting and most o us escape from classes, go to malls and internet cafe just to play with these. Too bad, we don't realize that they are starting to ruin our study habits. school activities are no longer appealing, looking forward to how one can defeat the computer characters in every game. It's quite alarming because from time to time new things are being invented. Something useful for children? Sometimes enhance learning? Something educational? But how sure are we that it's really useful? Sometimes it seems primitive to think that our grandparents and parents are luckier because the enjoyed so much the fairytales, storytelling of moms and lola, playing patintero or hide and seek. Technology must have made our lives easy but it also has its complication. They may have given something good but it sure tha it has cons as well. Now, you have to decide for yourself....it's your choice.

FRIENDSHIP.........The greatest gift

Friends until the end....Common saying, isn't it? IT really means a lot. Friendship is great, fun and enjoyable. Having Friends is just like having the best thing. Friends are there when you need them. They lend you a helping hand in your problems. They always cheer you up. These are what we call "TRUE FRIENDS and TRUE FRIENDSHIP" even though friends quarrel sometimes, it is just natural. A fight with your friends can be easily solved when they help each other. We all know that friends are important in our lives but how can you call it true friends? When your not with your barkada, you tell gossips about her and how she moves like this and that.....People know that having quarrels with your friends whom we love, is a wrong thing. So as early as today, stop doing things which damage or breaks a friendship. The best thing is to confront that person you hate and tel her what you don't like about her and also let her tell you on what she doesn't like about you and change it and be back as friends again. So let FRIENDSHIP be the greatest GIFT!!!


What is popularity? Are you that type of person? Popular means something or someone known by everybody. For instance a cellphone, almost all knows what it is and how it works and everybody has one or if not, everybody likes to have one.

Popularity usually attacks a person if he/she is: Good looking; Sophisticated and rich; and Has something or done something unique, the attitudes sometimes or never even counts! As long as you have those three and knows how to deal with people, then your popular, especially if your talked about. But the questions that's bugs our mind is, "Is popularity good or bad?"

Most popular people are actually always on troubles. They're always talked about, always in gossips, rumored and gazed upon and envied at. And the bad part is, they usually get into fights. Other popular persons takes advantage of the change. They think that if your popular, you have authority to do bad things and do whatever they want. But being popular is also good too. You're cheered and here's the Hi's and hello's greeting whenever you pass by.

Don't be afraid if your popular and don't worry if your not. My only advice to you is be yourself no need to pretend and be humble always.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am Novette Cheen Javier Calolo, 18 yrs old girl, who lives in Davao city since birth. I'm living with my loving and caring parents. I want to be independent but i can't live them alone. Since i was a child, they are the one who took care of me. I love my parents so much. My life would never be complete without them.

Talking about studies.......
I finished my elementary in Philippine Women's College of Davao. I studied there since i was a kindergarten to grade 6. When i was young, i attended ballet class. My ballet teacher was Mrs. Gina (i forgot her surname). She was so good and kind to me, and she was so beautiful. In my high school, i graduated in Holy Cross of Davao College. For me, high school is the best and most memorable. I was one of the most behave and most talkative (ano daw?nakakalito.....basta yun na yun). Then, i am now a college, it start again a new beginning and a new chapter of my life. This sounds so excited. I don't know what will happen in this new chapter of my life (abangan.......hintayin niyo na lng kung unsa ang mahitabo). Expect the unexpected.

My life is so wonderful and so bless because God gave me my supportive family, my jolly friends that is always at my side to cheer me up and above all, my loving and caring parents that will love me for the rest of their life. Even though there many difficulties in my life, i know that it is just part of the challenges of my life. I know that God will take good care of me.