Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Man is the highest of all creations, woman is the most sublime of all ideals. God made man a throne, for woman, an altar; the throne exalts, the altar sanctifies. Man is the cerebrum, woman is the gospel; the code corrects, the gospel perfects. Man is genius, woman is an angel; genius is undefinable, angel is unmeasurable.Man is strong in reasons, woman is invincible in her tears; reason convinces the most stubborn, tears soften the hardest of mortals. Man is the temple, woman is the sanctuary; before a temple we revere, before a sanctuary we kneel.Man is the eagle that soars, woman is the nightingale that sings; to fly is to dominate the space, to sing is to conquer the soul. Man is capable in all heroism, woman of martyrdom; be heroism enables, martyrdom sanctifies.Man is the ocean, woman is the lake; the ocean has its pearl to adorn, the lake has its poem that dazzles. Man has a lighthouse, woman has a star, hope; the lighthouse guides, the hope saves.

Friday, March 6, 2009

"Life's Richest Treasure"

that are life's richest treasure it's just
the little "heart gifts" that money can't
measure. . . . .

A cheerful smile, a friendly word, a
sympathetic nod are priceless little
treasures from the storehouse of our
God. . . . . they are the things that can't
be bought by silver or gold

For thoughtfulness, kindness and love
are never sold. . . . .they are the priceless
things in life for which no one can pay
And the giver find rich recompense in
giving them away. . .


Time passes by,
tide rushed to the shore
Rooks burned to a dust,
roses may bloom
A baby was born,
an old man will die
Traces and memories
let it go or let it stay,
Everything will never be the same
but. . .I will never CHANGE!!!